Job Search Campaign
Hi Carol,
It was wonderful to meet you at the conference and then be able to speak with you during our two phone conversations! I benefitted greatly from hearing your thoughts, ideas and suggestions on steps to take to make my dreams and goals happen. You made me realize that dreams can and do become a reality – you are a shining example – if one is willing to plan, and work hard to achieve them. This was very, very informative, beneficial and inspiring for me! The one most very important piece to the puzzle is to have a very clear, established goal and then the plan to get there will unfold as you have showed me. That is what I will be focusing on this year – to try and establish a clear and concise goal/achievement that I wish to obtain so the path to getting there can then be planned out.
Thank you so much for everything Carol – you are a very kind, inspiring, knowledgeable, successful, passionate about what you do, role-model and I am blessed to have met you and to have been able to speak with you . . .
I will be in touch . . .
I will always remember our heartfelt meeting and conversation when we met at the Pyramid Club. Our connection was undeniable, and has since grown into our sweet friendship. Like you, I believe that when we write down (and by that I really mean write down in a day planner) and visualize our life goals and take action steps to be accountable for that intense FOCUS, amazing things can and will happen. You inspired me to leave Philadelphia to start a new life in Sarasota. (you had visions of settling in a place near the mountains and streams near Jim Thorpe) My vision was a warm climate near the beach, and now here I am!
And yes, you can share my thoughts anywhere that others can read and be similarly inspired. Thank you for this rare opportunity to herald our collective greatness!
Always with gratitude,
Hello Dr. Minski,
I just want to thank you for your presentation almost a year ago at the PAEOP fall workshop. You inspired to make some personal changes last year and gave me the power to believe in myself. After listening to you I decided to set some goals to lose weight. I wrote down a plan with realistic goals and stuck to it. It took almost a year but I did it. I feel so good about myself and my accomplishments and I owe it all to you, thanks!!!!